BYD, the Chinese electric-car company part-owned by Warren Buffett, is poised to raise up to $1.9bn through the issue of new shares.沃伦巴菲特(Warren Buffett)股权的中国电动汽车公司比亚迪(BYD)于是以计划通过发售新股筹措最少19亿美元。Trading in the company’s shares in Hong Kong was halted yesterday, and in Shenzhen on Monday, pending the announcement of the deal, which the company described as a private A-share placement. The number of shares and the price would be revealed after the deal was completed, BYD said.比亚迪在深圳和香港上市的股票已分别于周一和周二清盘,等候公布有关A股投资基金的公告。比亚迪称之为,新股的数量和价格将在交易达成协议后对外透露。The company counts among its investors Mr Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, and has benefited from the frothy share prices seen across China’s tech sector.比亚迪的投资者还包括巴菲特的伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway),该公司还受益于中国科技行业全线虚高的股价。
The company did not elaborate about what funds from the private placement will be used for, but analysts said timing would enable the group to take advantage of the ramp-up of its share prices. The cash would potentially be used for investment in research and development and gain an edge against rival Tesla, analysts suggested.比亚迪未阐述此次投资基金扣除将用作何处,但分析师称之为,此次发售的时机自由选择将使该集团从股价下跌中获益。分析师回应,募资扣除很有可能被用作投资研发,以期取得相对于竞争对手特斯拉(Tesla)的优势。
BYD’s Shenzhen-listed shares have nearly doubled this year, pacing the overall Shenzhen market, while China’s tech stocks have overall been some of the best performing in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges.今年以来,比亚迪深圳上市的股价已几近翻了一番,排在整个深圳股市,而在上海和深圳的证券交易所,科技股总体来说都归属于展现出最差的一类。BYD started out two decades ago making mobile phone batteries, but has since evolved into the production of electric and hybrid vehicles. The group has outlined plans to take on Tesla in the electric automobile market, where its own advantage is mainly in batteries. High energy, lightweight and efficient batteries are judged to be the most important component of successful electric automobiles.比亚迪20年前以生产手机电池起家,自那以来渐渐投身于电动及混合动力汽车的生产。该集团已宣告计划,要在电动汽车市场与特斯拉一争高下。