北京K10赛车下载APP(中国)官方网站·IOS/手机版APP下载/APP:苹果推出HomePod扬声器 将Siri带入客厅
发布时间:2025-01-04 01:09:01
本文摘要:Apple has announced a voice-activated loudspeaker powered by its virtual assistant Siri.苹果公司于近日发售了一款反对语音助手Siri的声控扬声器。

Apple has announced a voice-activated loudspeaker powered by its virtual assistant Siri.苹果公司于近日发售了一款反对语音助手Siri的声控扬声器。Like devices by Amazon and Google, Apples HomePod speaker can respond to questions and control smart home gadgets such as lights.与亚马逊和谷歌的设备一样,苹果的HomePod扬声器能问问题,掌控如灯类在内的智能家居设备。

Analysts say Apple has been slow to improve its Siri virtual assistant and launch a smart speaker, after Amazon launched its Echo in 2014.分析人士称之为,苹果在升级Siri语言助手和发售智能扬声器上早已领先,亚马逊早已于2014年发售了Echo。The company has pitched HomePod first and foremost as a music player. This does a great job of extending the tentacles of Apple services.苹果公司将HomePod定位为一流的音乐播放器。

其在不断扩大苹果设备的范围上做到得很出众。At more than double the cost of Amazons Echo, the HomePod is a typical Apple move.HomePod的成本是亚马逊Echo的两倍还要多,具有典型的苹果风格。So - a cynic might say Apple has just launched the worlds most-hyped bluetooth speaker - not much imagination there.所以,一个愤世嫉俗的人可能会说道,苹果刚发售了世界上最滑稽的蓝牙扬声器,并且没什么想象力。

But lets face it, before AI and machine learning really matures, most home assistant devices are essentially voice-controlled speakers, and so Apple dedicating its effort into making it sound great is probably a smart move.但是我们被迫否认,在人工智能和机器学习成熟期之前,大多数的家用助理设备基本都是由语音掌控的扬声器,所以苹果希望让扬声器音效更加篮有可能是一步好棋。

