北京K10赛车下载APP-要上天! 2019年月球上或将拥有4G手机网络!
发布时间:2024-12-28 01:09:01
本文摘要:Several high-tech companies are teaming up on a plan to put a mobile phone network on the moon next year.几家高科技公司于是以为明年在月球上搭起手机通讯网络而通力合作。

Several high-tech companies are teaming up on a plan to put a mobile phone network on the moon next year.几家高科技公司于是以为明年在月球上搭起手机通讯网络而通力合作。Vodaphone Germany, Nokia, and Audi are working on a mobile network and robotic vehicles that are part of a private expedition to the moon, timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary year of the first manned lunar landing.德国沃达丰、诺基亚以及奥迪公司正在研发一套手机通讯网络和自动化探测器,这些是向月球发动的私人探险的一部分,该探险恰好跟上人类首次登月任务的第50个周年庆。

The project with PTScientists in Germany would use a 4G network to send high-definition information from rovers back to a lunar lander, which would then be able to communicate it back to Earth.这项由德国PTScientists参予的项目,将用于4G网络,将来自月球探测车的高分辨率信息发送至月球着陆器,而后着陆器就需要与地球展开通讯。Project scientists say the system uses less energy than having rovers speak directly to Earth, leaving more power for scientific activities.项目中的科学家们回应,比起于让探测器必要和地球通讯,该系统消耗的能量更加较少,从而可以为科学研究活动保有更加多能源。

They plan to launch the vehicles from Cape Canaveral next year on a Space X Falcon 9 rocket.他们计划于明年将配备该探测器的SpaceX猎鹰9号火箭从卡纳拉维尔角升空升空。

